- GirlTalk -

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Who said Blogger was easy?

I'm fighting with Blogger - and losing. Definitely losing.

I've built my own website, for crying out loud! You'd think I'd be able to figure out a way to make my Blogger page look consistent with my website. But no. It's beyond me. How to get my banner across the full width of the page? Or, if I can't do that, how to shift my "About Me" box up, so that hideous blob of white space is made use of? And why won't my "GirlTalk" title change to the font and font size I've requested?

What I need is a computer genie to whoosh out of a bottle and fix it for me, but the only bottles close to hand are of the milk and tomato sauce variety.

The good news is I'm here, and planning to post my blogs on Blogger from now on. I hope you'll be able to live with the inconsistent look of my Blogger page (I'm not sure I will). And if you have any suggestions for helping me tame my Blogger monster, I'm all ears!

(Postscript: Ooh! Excitement! I've managed to tame the "GirlTalk" title! Oh ye-ah, oh ye-ah...)


  1. OK - I'm first am I?

    Looking good.


  2. Yay! You're here - and I can see you! Thanks Kris :)

  3. Hi Maggie!

    It took me ages to set up blogger the way I wanted. In the end hubby had to do some computer magic to fix my banner.


  4. Oh no! Julieann, maybe your hubby's the genie I'm looking for... (grins)

  5. Hi Maggie

    The blog looks great - fresh, clean and engaging. I'll be back (and I'm not Arnie).


  6. It looks great, Maggie. :-) And you didn't even have to get the machine gun out!


  7. Ha! It was a close call, Gracie! Thanks for popping in.

  8. Aw shucks, Bron, thanks. (Blushes) I'm still not happy with the banner or layout, but I'm not good enough at HTML to do much outside the template. If only I was being paid by the hour for my work on this page! ;)

  9. Hey you did it!! Archives too! Woot! What a clever girl you are.

  10. (Grins. Think cat. With cream.) I know. Amazing, huh? Just goes to show persistence and bloody-minded determination *do* pay off!! :)


Go on! You know you want to. :)