- GirlTalk -

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Maggie's Easy-Peasy Recipes Launched!

I like my wine. Well, living in New Zealand as I do, it's almost a sin NOT to like my wine. Big, buttery chardonnays… crisp, tastebud-awakening savvies… thumping big reds… liquid nectar late-harvests… yum, yum, yum!!!

And with both my sister and my mother allergic to alcohol - yes! Imagine! - I count myself lucky on the wine front.  Of course, thanks to pregnancy and breastfeeding, it's been quite a while since I've been able to enjoy any wine at all…

Which is why I've become a foodie instead. With food, there are no nasty hangovers, no telltale wine spills on the carpet, no OTT liquor store bills. Food is the new wine!

The great thing about food is that you get to enjoy the preparation and the final product. I know, I know, you hate cooking. But restaurant-delicious doesn't have to mean chef-difficult, nor does it have to mean mortgage-expensive. Truly. Let me prove it to you.

Over the next few weeks I'm going to share with you a few of my favourite easy-peasy recipes. I can't promise they'll appeal to everyone's palate every time, but I can promise they won't break the bank.

Click here for my first shared meal, and bon appetit!