- GirlTalk -

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Maggie's Resolutions For 2010

Okay, I know I've said it before, but this year I really need to tone up and trim down. Which means a) exercise and b) self-restraint. Oh God. Suddenly 2010's looking like one long, glaucomic tunnel of doom. I mean, hello. Exercise? When do I ever have time for that? And self-restraint? Can I even say it?

Well, 2010's going to be the year when I learn, right? I can get up at six a.m. and lurch through a workout. Anything will do. Jogging, swimming, circuit training - whatever. Just sign me up. And if my kids have woken me multiple times during the night with a typical repertoire of nightmares/questions-that-just-couldn't-wait/ missing-you's/hunger, I can go out at eight p.m. instead for said workout. And if I'm so dog-tired I can't manage that, either, I will stagger to bed and imagine said workout. Why? Well, apparently thinking is halfway to doing, so although it'll take longer for my body to see the benefits, it's a great fallback option.

Yeah, good plan, Maggie.

Besides, I'll be sure to make up the lost workout later in the week (probably) (maybe) (okay, that's a big fat lie and we both know it).

As for the self-restraint bit, well… that's more of a problem. Short of sewing my lips together I can't think of an easy solution. Me and food go together like fish and chips, wine and cheese, cars and big bills.

Ooh! Cunning plan! I'll use the old reverse psychology trick. Yeah. Perfect! So… my resolutions for 2010 will be to gain weight and get flabby. That should do it. I've never yet achieved a New Year's resolution.

Watch out, body beautiful, here I come!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Brace Yourself: It's The C-Word...

Not cancer: Christmas. A word that conjures up such a range of emotions.

Emotion 1.  Surprise. Is it that time already?

Emotion 2.  Annoyance. The baubles and fake snow are cluttering shop windows, the piped music in lifts/malls/phone calls is Santa-themed, and the street decorations have appeared overnight. Do they really think we need reminding?

Emotion 3.  Panic. We're in serious countdown, now. Have I organised presents? Bought Christmas Day's food-orgy fodder? Posted cards? Worked out logistics with in- and out-laws? Dusted off the decorations? Herded my kids into writing letters to Santa?

Emotion 4.  Boredom. Blah blah. Do we really need to make all this effort again, and so soon?

Emotion 5.  Anticipation. Christmas is a very special time of year if you've got kids to share it with. Mine can't wait! It's beginning to rub off on me, too. :

Emotion 6.  Happiness. Am I not the most fortunate woman in the world? I have a great partner, awesome kids, and extended family who really enjoy together-time. We may not be the richest guys on the street, but we're warm, we've got food in our bellies, and we're surrounded by people who love us.

Yep, it's that time of year again. And I'm counting my many blessings. I'm a very lucky girl.